International Youth Day 2022

by HCC

Celebrating Our Youth Advocates On International Youth Day 2022

International Youth Day 2022

On August 11, the eve of International Youth Day, the Healthy Caribbean Youth hosted their monthly meeting dedicated to celebrating youth, youth allies, the power of intergenerational dialogue and meaningful mentorship.

Celebrating Our Youth Advocates On International Youth Day 2022

The meeting, hosted and coordinated by HCCs project assistant Kerrie Barker, created a space for youth and youth allies to discuss the value of youth engagement in health advocacy spaces. The intergenerational panel discussion was the highlight of the meeting; it featured Maisha Hutton (HCC Executive Director), Francine Charles (Programme Manager, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Barbados) and Healthy Caribbean Youth members Simone Bishop-Matthews, Dorial Quintyne and Charity Dublin was the highlight of the meeting.

The panelist insights were thought-provoking and inspiring. If we had to highlight three major takeaways from the panel they would be:

  1. To youth allies – institutionalize youth leadership and ensure that youth are given opportunities to be mentored, learn and grow personally and professionally
  2. To youth – reach out for opportunities – don’t wait for opportunities to come to you!
  3. To All – in all the spaces that you occupy, ensure that youth voices are represented meaningfully. As shared during the panel, youth have “authentic perspectives and ideas”, “brilliant minds” and bring an unmatched energy and passion to the projects that they engage in.

On this International Youth Day, we are celebrating our youth advocates, the work that they have done and amplifying messages that they want heard far and wide.

Creating Spaces for Conversation:

Celebrating Our Youth Advocates On International Youth Day 2022

Less Talk and More Action – Meeting for World Environment Day 2022. Read more

Cultivating Healthy School Environments – Exploring Physical Activity Opportunities

Cultivating Healthy School Environments – Exploring Physical Activity Opportunities. Read more

Cultivating Healthy School Environments - Navigating Mental Health

Cultivating Healthy School Environments – Navigating Mental Health. Read more

The Future Talks – COVID-19 and NCDs in the Caribbean

The Future Talks – COVID-19 and NCDs in the Caribbean. Read more

The Future Talks – COVID-19 and NCDs in the Caribbean the Legacy

The Future Talks – COVID-19 and NCDs in the Caribbean the Legacy. Read more

Sharing perspectives:

The Future Talks: Our Planet, Our Livelihoods, Our Future

The Future Talks: Our Planet, Our Livelihoods, Our Future. Read more
By Priyanka Lalla, Renee Thomas and Kerrie Barker

The Future Talks: Food Systems Transformation for a Sustainable Future

The Future Talks: Food Systems Transformation for a Sustainable Future. Read more
By Janea Ifill, Jared Spencer and Kerrie Barker

The Future Talks: Infant and Young Child Nutrition – The First Form of Food Security

The Future Talks: Infant and Young Child Nutrition – The First Form of Food Security. Read more
By Charity Dublin and Yumani Nedd

The Future Talks: Mental Health Matters – It’s Time for Caribbean Youth to Speak Up

The Future Talks: Mental Health Matters – It’s Time for Caribbean Youth to Speak Up. Read more
By Tara Armour

We Are A Priority! Read more
By Simone Bishop-Matthews

The Future Talks: A Future for Our Caribbean’s Children? – Spotlight on the Rights of the Child

The Future Talks: A Future for Our Caribbean’s Children? – Spotlight on the Rights of the Child. Read more
By Kimberley Benjamin

Building Capacity to Advocate:

Let’s Talk About Marketing to Children & What We Can Do About It Workshop. Read more

Youth Voices in Health Advocacy Spaces – A Guide for You(th) in the Childhood Obesity Space. Read more

Healthy Caribbean Coalition’s Youth Tobacco Advocacy Portal. Read more
Designed by Dorial Quintyne

Demanding action:

Healthy Caribbean Youth Front-of-package Warning Labels (FOPWL) Call to Action. Read more

Caribbean Youth Ask Their Governments To Do More for Their Mental Wellbeing. Read more

A Message from the Healthy Caribbean Youth on World Health Day 2022.
Click/tap to play

Why Healthy Food Policy? Policy makes it easy for us to be healthy – World Obesity Day 2022
Click/tap to play

Previous International Youth Days

International Youth Day 2020
Read more

International Youth Day 2021 Read more